Legal notice – DEXTools

Reading Time: 6 minutes


Company name

This Web Site is owned by the commercial company STRADEXT DEFI SOLUTIONS _ SL (hereinafter also referred to as the “Company”). Through the same, the Company provides its users with an information society service, telematically, electronically and at their individual request, within the framework of an economic activity constituting a company.

Registered office

STRADEXT DEFI SOLUTIONS _ SL has its registered office at calle La Estrecha, núm. 9D, 2º B, 33011 Oviedo (Asturias) – ESPAÑA.

Incorporation Data

STRADEXT DEFI SOLUTIONS _ SL (NIF B-02949121) was incorporated by public deed on December 18, 2020, authorized by the notary public of Oviedo Mr. Manuel Tuero Tuero, under number 2803 of his protocol; and is duly registered in the Commercial Registry of Asturias in Volume 4,424, Folio 1, Page AS-57,211.

Email address

For all legal purposes, the e-mail address for the Company is


Acceptance of terms and conditions of use

Any person accessing this website and make use of it declares to know and also accepts these “General Conditions”, fully accessible to any user through its “Legal Notice”. Knowledge and acceptance of these “General Conditions” constitute a necessary prerequisite for accessing the information society services offered by STRADEXT DEFI SOLUTIONS_SL and benefiting from their provision. Therefore, any person who does not agree with what is stipulated therein shall not have the right to make use of this Website.

Web Site Ownership

This Web Page ( is the property of STRADEXT DEFI SOLUTIONS_SL. The intellectual property rights and rights of exploitation and reproduction of said Web Site, as well as its content, appearance and design, are the exclusive property of this Company, unless expressly specified otherwise. Any improper use of this Web site or its contents may be prosecuted in accordance with applicable law.

STRADEXT DEFI SOLUTIONS reserves the right to modify, update, expand and delete at any time, without prior notice, the content of this Website, including its own conditions of use. Likewise, it may restrict or remove access to this Website, for the reasons it deems appropriate and at its sole discretion.

Scope of the Website

All information made available to the user through this website constitutes its “Content” and shall be for information purposes only.

It is not the intention of the Company to use this Web Site as a means or instrument, directly or indirectly, of conducting business or contracting for services. Under no circumstances should this Web Site be used or considered as an offer to enter into a contract, a solicitation of an offer to enter into a contract, or as an offer to enter into any other type of transaction, unless expressly stated otherwise.

The content of this Website does not entail any kind of legal, financial or any other kind of advice by the Company in relation to the performance in the cryptocurrency market, being its purpose exclusively informative. Consequently, the information contained therein should not be taken as a basis or recommendation to make investments or investment decisions, being the personal responsibility of the user to obtain adequate information and advice on the risks, the applicable regulations and the operation of the crypto-asset investment markets. Likewise, it is up to the user to assess and, if necessary, assume the risks associated with the contracting in such markets.

This Web Site may contain information provided by entities other than STRADEXT DEFI SOLUTIONS_SL, and STRADEXT DEFI SOLUTIONS_SL shall not be liable for the accuracy of such information nor shall it assume any responsibility for any possible damages that may arise from the use of such information.

This website contains links to other websites with the intention of facilitating and providing the user with better information about the matters and activities that constitute the corporate purpose of the Company. It is the user’s responsibility to evaluate the content and usefulness of the information published on these other websites, without the Company assuming any responsibility for the security or privacy of these links or the content of such websites.

Third parties wishing to establish links to this Website must obtain prior written authorization from STRADEXT DEFI SOLUTIONS_SL to do so.

Website Usage

The contents of this website may be downloaded, if available, copied and printed for personal use only. The Company is not responsible for any discrepancies that may arise between the printed version and the electronic version of the information contained in this website.

Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the copying, duplication, redistribution, electronic reproduction, printing, commercialization, marketing or any other use that may be made of the contents of this Web site, in whole or in part, whether in the form of written or graphic documents, is forbidden, even when citing the written or graphic documents; The content of this Web site, in whole or in part, whether in the form of written or graphic documents, may not be reproduced, reproduced electronically, printed, marketed, sold, traded, or otherwise exploited in any way, even if the source is cited, without the prior written consent of the Company.

Severe warning

STRADEXT DEFI SOLUTIONS_SL wishes to expressly inform the users of its Website of the following circumstances related to the activity carried out in connection with the cryptocurrency and other cryptoassets markets:

First.- Las inversiones en criptoactivos y el rendimiento obtenido de las mismas puede experimentar alteraciones significativas de valor, tanto al alza como a la baja, pudiendo incluso llegar a perderse la totalidad del importe invertido.

Second.- En particular, las inversiones realizadas en proyectos que se encuentren en fases iniciales de desarrollo o «start-up» comportan siempre un alto nivel de riesgo, por lo que resulta necesario entender adecuadamente su modelo de negocio.

Third.- As an investment object, cryptoassets are not covered by customer protection mechanisms such as the Deposit Guarantee Fund or the Investor Guarantee Fund. Their prices are constituted in the absence of mechanisms that ensure their correct formation, such as those used in the regulated securities markets.

Fourth.- The lack of liquidity of many cryptoassets can make it difficult and even impossible for investors to unwind their investments without suffering significant losses, as their circulation among both retail and professional investors can be very limited.

Fifth.- Distributed log technologies are still at an early stage of maturity, with many of these networks having been created only recently, so they may not be sufficiently tested and there may be significant flaws in their operation and security.

Sixth.- The recording of transactions in networks based on distributed registry technology works through consensus protocols that may be susceptible to attacks that attempt to modify the registry, and in the event of success, there would be no alternative registry to support such transactions and therefore the balances corresponding to the public keys, and all cryptoassets could be lost.

Seventh.- The anonymity facilities that cryptoassets can provide make them a target for cybercriminals, since in the case of stealing credentials or private keys they can transfer the cryptoassets to addresses that make it difficult or impossible to recover them.

Eighth.- The custody of crypto-assets is a very important responsibility since they can be lost in their entirety in the event of theft or loss of the private keys. It is therefore necessary for investors to make sure about the entity in charge of the custody of the crypto-assets advertised, the country in which it is carried out and the applicable legal framework.

Ninth.- The acceptance of cryptoassets as a means of payment is still very limited and there is no legal obligation to accept them.

Tenth.- When the information society service provider is not located in a European Union country, the resolution of any dispute may be costly and fall outside the jurisdiction of the authorities of the investor’s home state.

Privacy policy

Users of this Website are informed that STRADEXT DEFI SOLUTIONS_SL does not collect or process their personal data in connection with the provision of its information service. Under no circumstances shall the activity carried out by the Company entail the collection, storage or processing of such personal data, nor shall it give rise to any use or assignment of the same, beyond the duties imposed on it by the applicable legislation as a provider of information society services. Apart from this assumption, STRADEXT DEFI SOLUTIONS_SL guarantees the confidentiality of the connections and personal data of the users of its web site, adopting for this purpose the security measures legally provided for in accordance with the current state of the art.


The Company makes no warranty and shall not be liable for any damages, losses, losses, claims or expenses of any nature whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use, inability to use or the unlawful, negligent or fraudulent use of this Web Site.

In order to provide a better service to users, the Company may carry out updates and improvements to the content of this Website. However, given the free and open nature of the operation of the markets to which it refers, the information contained in this Website shall in no case have an official nature.

STRADEXT DEFI SOLUTIONS_SL makes the information contained in its Web Site available to the user in accordance with the current state of the art, which does not guarantee the total security and privacy of said Web Site, nor does it avoid the risk that the same or its information service may suffer temporary interruptions, partial unavailability or other alterations. The user must also be aware that information received or sent through this Web site is susceptible to interception.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

This legal notice and the STRADEXT DEFI SOLUTIONS website are governed by Spanish law. The resolution of any discrepancy that may arise between this Company and the user of the service shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Oviedo, with express waiver by the parties of any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled